pondelok 9. apríla 2018

A lie

Oh, that quality (attribute), which is to us so hideous, that we´re almost loathed by it. That experience, which we fear of. That person, who´s not worthy of our attention anymore... (slam essay)

Part II.

I decided to write trilogy of short thoughts about three qualities, which guide us through life and co-create history, but as we somehow claim, that we don´t have them. Better said, others have them, as well instead of us.

It is, as it wouldn´t even exist; such a phenomenon, which is, but at the same time its not seen by anybody, or they don´t want to see it, so in reality, we don´t even know, if it´s not an illusion, which should be scientifically disproved, as a relic of myths and legends.

It seems, that it appears, when we cleared, that it doesn´t exist, as a substitute of straight answer for an exact question. It appears in form in some sort of habit, sort of lifestyle, where one does not actually know, if he bluff by body language, or the tongue language.

Mostly we have a feeling, that its lied to us (as we never lie by ourself, and lie doesn´t exist, so we only make it up for our satisfaction) for different reasons and in various moments without regards on needs, interests, position, genetic formation of deceived one, or actual weather. Simly it´s just happening and we are aware of it, but we can´t even don´t need to know, what we shall do against it. I believe, that it was written minimaly dozen of books, if not the whole studies, as the one, which I got to on TEDx from Pamela Meyer. It is a summary how we shall spot a liar. Because not all of us are born police inspectors, I think, we don´t need to spot them, as we know them for some time.

A lie is for liar as a secluded private island with stock of everything, from where he can show us anything, what we want to see. But we don´t have access to the island, so we can see it only through the binoculars. It is quite convincing and it should be enough, but what if.

The thing is my dear readers, that I present here my hypothesis, that a lie is united comprehensive diagnosis of us all. I suggest to add it to a list of psychosis, which significantly influence lives not just our owns, but even all others by which we actually create continuously history and reality based purely on lie. So, when I say, that human on this planet didn´t even evolved, basically I´m telling the truth. Try to disprove it.

Why you don´ť accept lying as illness and I do? Because the doctor´s ego, so-called self-esteem, feels touched and abused, when it meets with a lie. So it´s not able (that ego) independently from it´s own feelings look at reality and suggest alternative explanations connected to itself, instead of to the liar.

Friend of mine expressed on social medium, that she hates liars, and I got it that time. We hate liars, but we all lie. Who claims, that he doesn´t, lies. Lying we had to learn as all other human skills by development to adulthood and it´s our integral part. We pass it on to our ancestors and then we are horrified, that they give it us back.

Lying is result of our life experiences, so a lie is completely unique and usually unnoticeable, always unadmittable, easily disproven- hard to rehabilitate, sometimes proven and maybe possibly to unlearn-able. But have anybody tried it scientifically experimentally?

Let´s not blame our liars, but let´s be an example and let us stop lying to each other. Let´s really begin to do, what we are saying, let´s stop to think else, let´s try to admit, that we are like that, but we can change yet and let´s explain to our children, that we haven´t realized it till now!!!

Eleventh commandment: YOU DON´T FOOL ME!

pondelok 14. marca 2016

How facebook shut me down! Termination of TwomeFortytoo Svetloslav Vševed Biely

It came to the point, where it led, but we didn´t want to believe it.

Eight years ago, I got to know about another page, where I could see pictures of others. I became a member and I chose my pseudonym, my A.K.A. as you in english prefer to say. I became active once again more in hyperreal world, where I build my visage, my personality, my siluette, my self for me and for MY friends, who I happen to know and connet under your rising star. Sort of helping YOU not so dear facebookTM,R,C, to build your empire,  to be your loyal citizen in the world of ours. You named it FACEbook, I gave you my FACE. I haven´t change it in eight years and I don´t plan to, ALL MY friends know, who they talk to, because, they Know me, but obviously, You FACEbook, You don´t. At least not enough, so you ask for MY name, which I go with to state offices, to ask for my unemployment benefits, with which I go to MY doctor, if I am ill, UNDER Which I hide my face...

Eight years ago, I was standing in front of club, which was situated in a college. As I was tipsy already, cause it was quite late, I´ve seen a ridiculous scene of two armed policemen, standing in the gate of that college, straight under sign "ACADEMIC GROUND". You should know it, as you procclaim, that you honoured it in USA, as well, if you are from USA, what does it mean! Or aren´t you?
Anyway,  I did say to that policemen, when they were leaving in my merry mood to farewell (or as we say it in our language, to go with God), and after question, what did I say, I repeated that greeting. You can say, that such a foolish thing you don´t do, but then I doubt your reasonable mind. After that, they asked my ID to prove myself. Yes, in our country, as a memento of previous "communistic" regime, we are obliged to hand over to a policeman after require our proof of identity. I have to say, that that evening I forgot it at home. I was taken away by two armed policemen from partying group of people, let´s remind ourselves, that for repeated greeting "to go with GOD". And no, we are not Jewish or Islamic country. We are allowed to use it, but not to not have ID on us.

So that two policemen throw me on the car, handcuffed me from the back, pushed me into the car, where one was slapping me through face four times while I had my hands behind my back in handcuffs. They drove me to police station and locked me in a prison cell. Just to sign a paper, stating, that I is I. FOR NOT HAVING ID ON ME.

And today, after eight years, with one three weeks break, of my not conflicting stable active used profile, where I build my connection base of ONLY MY REAL 184 Friends, YOU PLAY a policeman and demand my sensitive information for no particular reason (or is there any???) just to prove, that if my face is my face, under thread, that if I will not update my REAL name and PROVE that one with ID suitable to YOUR demands, you WILL SHUT MY ACCOUNT! Isn't  it obvious, that MY friends knows, who are they connected with?

Thank you, I almost thought, that I am the crazy one here. You GAVE ME ULTIMATUM, I AM accepting it. I can´t prove it, but I LOVE my name in OUR world, but it is not good enough for you, so I will have to LET MY PROFILE DIE. But don´t worry, I will not let any mess after me on YOUR servers, I will delete everything, that you don´t have no more trouble with me. Luckily, I know, that people live even without your page.
I got used to even that forced advertisement on me from your side, BUT QUESTIONING MY IDENTITY ON A PAGE OF FRIENDS, WHERE I DON´T WANT ANYTHING FROM YOU, IS BEYOND MY BORDERS. I don´t want to fly with you, the only thing is, that I posted this video 23 hours before you ask to prove my identity. I haven´t forgot my password, I haven´t change my email, I didn´t want to change my details, so I don´t know what could bring you to your request. I think, that you made a mistake somewhere on the way, but you can´t blame me for it.


"1 SAMUEL 17"


nedeľa 15. júla 2012

The easiest thing in the world is- not to smoke one.

 ...or a short thought about free will.

How to begin?
Where to begin? But why to begin?

Because it fulfills me(?)...because it makes me happy(?)...because I will benefit from it(?)...because it makes me important(?)...because I must(?)...because I can(?)...because I want!

Yes, that is the real impulse, which urges me, that I will share with you, what I think, what bothers me in my mind. Volition. I want, I have a desire; need to express my thouhts.

"The ability of a man to do intended, wanted and planned activity, so called willpower. Will is ability to control impulses and freely choose ones, by which a man rules. Will is inner power of human personality, which allows consciously to steer / manage own behavior to valuable aims and as well determine or affect actions of others. Historical educational systems put development of will among goals of education of youth. Even in medieval times put the culture of will and sense over gaining knowledge.
Will is aiming in all its manifestation to some accepted value."

"Significance process/formation, which specificity lies in awareness of ability of some entity to satisfy a need, either immediately, or by its consequences. Else as a "value" qualifies the very entity characterized by capacity to satisfy need or desire."

Free will entered our consciousness, or rather conviction, or only to our vocabulary, imho, only since our modern times and to be exact, only by definition freedom of choice, in meaning of choosing "from second or third window."
Sensation of freedom of choice created in us, by all the indication "sufficiency"/ "insufficiency" sensation, when we "don´t know what to do from exuberance", what led us to consumer society.

What am I up to?
Choosing from offered choices, or leaving that possibility of choice for later is the very same giving up of free will.

What does it mean?

Moses brought us Ten Commandments, of which eight sounds like this: "Thou shalt not..."
Does it mean, that God forbid us to effectuate? No, "he gave" us free will to follow his advice- not to do, for what we will be punished; either way. That means, that by our actions we accept Devil´s offer, eternel tempter, who offers "choices" and bond us with the world, and deprive the possibility of not to act.

What does it results to?
Free will we can preserve by not acting, by conscious decision not to grasp option. Free will we can lose by acting, by which we are tangling/binding/involving with the world, ravel in destiny, which is after almost not possible to affect by our free will.
Only by gradually giving up freedom of choice we can build again free will.

Does it mean that I shall not act in goodness?
There is a saying, that by acts of goodness is paved way to hell. Aha, here it comes...but I want to say, that acts of goodness are right and welcome, but they deprive us the same way of free will, by the same ravel into destiny, to which consequences we don´t have impact.

Yes, it means for me too, that by my study I ravel into your thouhts, I do it as a result of conscious desire for sharing this huge wisdom and faith, that it will help you by acting /not acting, deciding/getting rid of.

Lao c´: "By not acting we are acting."

Inspired by Květoslav Minařík and to him as well dedicated.

nedeľa 7. novembra 2010


Meaning of this name is usually used in traffic correlation and is the BEST solution for easing jams, right after rounabout junctions!

In real life, for all of us this rule is acceptable in daily life to make it easier for all of us, not just drivers, but even pedestrians, become an individialities, which understand and accept that as a human being, non of us is superior in front of the others, we are all equal, and only as an united we work right . 

ZIP STYLE is about cooperation, cause only as a teeth on right places, we can hold strongly without any pressure on each other. 


*after democracy

Teilhard De Chardin

relevant article: TRAFFIC ETHICS

sobota 5. septembra 2009

Inspiration by Goodness

I`ll write in English, for my english speaking friends, so have patient with me, I`ll try to do my best.
When I left UK, last year on 5th of sept.2008 I was convinced, that I am going home to teach about Ethics, but in some other way, than like 7 to three teaching on one place. My second wish was to have chance to travel around the Slovakia and to know better the Slovak country.
In December I got the opportunity to become a moderator of the document Power of Humanity about a Man, Nichlas Winton, who saved 669 children from Czechoslovakia from WWII. The document is very touching, I could hear it, feel it and then see it on the students, that they were fascinated and touched by the story.
It was an amazing four months, I saw many nice places, where I haven`t been before, I talked to cca. 3000 children about Ethics, what does it mean empathy, tolerance, prejudice, why we have to act with conscience mind, that that Man is not a fairytale hero, but a real man, with his own problems. After every discourse I had strong spiritual feelings, which can`t be replaced by any other nice feeling and everything went well.

When we had finished the project, I left Slovakia again to come back to London. Yesterday I had a chance to finished the project once again...On the 4th of Sept.2009 The Winton Train came to Liverpool Street Station same as 70 years ago, I had to get over seven police officers and security managers to get close as possible, so I said to everyone, that I am the one, who was teaching about him back home in Slovakia and I need to meet him. The last one asked me:`and what?` So I told him:` You know, I said to the children that, he is not a fairytale hero, but a Real Man`, and the children asked me, if I have met him? So I need to have a prove...He looked at me and said:`A Real Man?!, go in`...

The last transport train didn`t left the Prague station because it was 1st of sept.1939 and the WWII begun.

It wasn`t about a party for that people, it wasn`t about some their not happy memories which saved their lifes, IT WAS A MEMENTO FOR ALL OF US, THAT IF WE FORGET THE HISTORY, WE CAN`T LEARN FROM IT.

Director Mr. Matej Minac
Sir Nicolas Winton (hundert years old) in his temporarly throne
Sir Nicolas Winton and his train of life

pondelok 5. mája 2008

Obloha a jej premeny

Jedna z najťažších oblôch akú som videl...

...ešteže sa vždy ukáže dúha.

autentický záber tesne pred predstavením Kráľa Leara

...reeeally special one

Shakespearove divadlo - zvolávanie na predstavenie hraním dobovej hudby...úžasný zážitok

pondelok 14. apríla 2008

Práca a voľné chvíle

Ja a moja mašina pred výzvou dňa

moja kolegyňa...alebo kolega?

moje pracovné prostredie...

Deje sa mi veľmi príjemná záležitosť, všade kde sa objavím sa rozostupujú oblaky a svieti na mňa Slniečko. Ako aj v tomto prípade...