nedeľa 15. júla 2012

The easiest thing in the world is- not to smoke one.

 ...or a short thought about free will.

How to begin?
Where to begin? But why to begin?

Because it fulfills me(?)...because it makes me happy(?)...because I will benefit from it(?)...because it makes me important(?)...because I must(?)...because I can(?)...because I want!

Yes, that is the real impulse, which urges me, that I will share with you, what I think, what bothers me in my mind. Volition. I want, I have a desire; need to express my thouhts.

"The ability of a man to do intended, wanted and planned activity, so called willpower. Will is ability to control impulses and freely choose ones, by which a man rules. Will is inner power of human personality, which allows consciously to steer / manage own behavior to valuable aims and as well determine or affect actions of others. Historical educational systems put development of will among goals of education of youth. Even in medieval times put the culture of will and sense over gaining knowledge.
Will is aiming in all its manifestation to some accepted value."

"Significance process/formation, which specificity lies in awareness of ability of some entity to satisfy a need, either immediately, or by its consequences. Else as a "value" qualifies the very entity characterized by capacity to satisfy need or desire."

Free will entered our consciousness, or rather conviction, or only to our vocabulary, imho, only since our modern times and to be exact, only by definition freedom of choice, in meaning of choosing "from second or third window."
Sensation of freedom of choice created in us, by all the indication "sufficiency"/ "insufficiency" sensation, when we "don´t know what to do from exuberance", what led us to consumer society.

What am I up to?
Choosing from offered choices, or leaving that possibility of choice for later is the very same giving up of free will.

What does it mean?

Moses brought us Ten Commandments, of which eight sounds like this: "Thou shalt not..."
Does it mean, that God forbid us to effectuate? No, "he gave" us free will to follow his advice- not to do, for what we will be punished; either way. That means, that by our actions we accept Devil´s offer, eternel tempter, who offers "choices" and bond us with the world, and deprive the possibility of not to act.

What does it results to?
Free will we can preserve by not acting, by conscious decision not to grasp option. Free will we can lose by acting, by which we are tangling/binding/involving with the world, ravel in destiny, which is after almost not possible to affect by our free will.
Only by gradually giving up freedom of choice we can build again free will.

Does it mean that I shall not act in goodness?
There is a saying, that by acts of goodness is paved way to hell. Aha, here it comes...but I want to say, that acts of goodness are right and welcome, but they deprive us the same way of free will, by the same ravel into destiny, to which consequences we don´t have impact.

Yes, it means for me too, that by my study I ravel into your thouhts, I do it as a result of conscious desire for sharing this huge wisdom and faith, that it will help you by acting /not acting, deciding/getting rid of.

Lao c´: "By not acting we are acting."

Inspired by Květoslav Minařík and to him as well dedicated.

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